The federal government has a graduated income tax, that is, the percentage of the tax ( 14 to 70 percent) increases as a person's income increases. 联邦政府征收累进所得税,也就是说,随着个人收的增长,征税的百分比率(百分之十到百分之七十)也在增长。
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 征收高额累进税。
He gets a number of perquisites, over and above his salary. Wages and other related income are taxable at graduated rates and are also subject to withholding tax. 除了薪水外,他还有一些额外收入。工资及其他有关收入都要按等级税率纳税,而且也要从薪金工资中预扣。
On the federal level, the personal income tax is a graduated tax, which means that the more you make, the higher the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes. 从联邦税收标准来看,个人所得税是一种累进税,也就是说,你挣的钱越多,其中用于缴税的钱所占总收人的比例也越高。
The graduated income tax and death duties are no more than a fair~ paid by the rich. 累进所得税及遗产税只不过是富人缴纳的一种公平特权税金。
As the federal government has a graduated income tax, the more you earn, the higher tax you have to pay. 因为联邦政府实行累进所得税,所以,你挣的越多,缴的所得税就越高。
As depicted by graduated colours, European countries are imposing a higher excise tax on tobacco than most African countries. 依图中颜色所示,欧洲各国比非洲大部分国家徵收较高的烟草税。